Water Conservation In Your Home
Since 1990, the number of states reporting “water-stress” conditions continues to rise nationwide. Taking measures at home to conserve water not only saves you money, but it also will benefit your greater community.
Helpful information tips are available HERE
Saving water at home does not require any significant cost outlay. Although there are water saving appliances and conservation systems, the bulk of water saving methods can be achieved through changes in habits.
There Are A Number Of Ways To Save Water, And They All Start With You
- Don’t water your garden during the heat of the day – water early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid evaporation.
- Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
- For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. This way, every drop goes in you, not down the drain.
- Shorten your shower by a minute or two and save up to 150 gallons a month.
- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 25 gallons a month.
- DON’T use the toilet as a trash can, especially for unused of expired medications.
- When washing the dishes by hand, fill the sink basin or a large pot and rinse when all of the dishes have been soaped and scrubbed.
- Rinse your razor in a sink with a few inches of warm water. This will rinse the razor as well as running water with far less waste.
- Be diligent about checking faucets and pipes for leaks. A small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste 20 gallons a day while a larger leak can waste hundreds of gallons.
Water Saving Features And Appliances
- Install water-efficient shower heads, and low-flow aerators on all your faucets.
- Install an adjustable toilet flapper that allows for the adjustment of per flow use, or an inexpensive “tank bank” or float booster to cut down on the water waste from your toilet.
- For new installations, buy “low flush” toilets which use 1-2 gallons instead of 3 – 5 gallons per flush.
- When buying an appliance, consider purchasing those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They are more water and energy efficient.
- Insulate your hot water pipes for more immediate hot water at the faucet and for energy savings.
Look for products bearing the EPA WaterSense Label for items that have been certified to save 20% or more without sacrificing performance.
It is IMPORTANT to know where your Master water shut-off valve is located and keep it in good working condition. This could save water and prevent costly damage to your home.